Local elementary principal, Jill Steele leads her students in a school wide walking program each morning. • Her advice? “Start your day with a morning walk.” • Research indicates that walking with a group can boost your mood.
Local elementary principal, Jill Steele leads her students in a school wide walking program each morning. • Her advice? “Start your day with a morning walk.” • Research indicates that walking with a group can boost your mood.
Banker and volunteer Michael Malfregeot grows his own vegetables so he has healthy, low-cost food options. • His advice? “Planting something in ground, raised beds, or pots are all low-cost, easy ways to grow.” • Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, especially in phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A and folate – and you’ll save […]
Despite a family history of high cholesterol and open-heart surgery procedures, brothers Charles and Pete Anderson are taking care of themselves so they can be around for their families. • Their advice? “Start with a small achievable physical activity goal such as walking and eating well.” • Research indicates that individuals who have a routine, […]
Coffee shop owner and father of seven Kevin Zakriasen enjoys pushing himself, but also slowing down his runs to connect with his neighbors and community. • His advice? “Take time to see the great community that you are a part of.” • Slowing down helps you focus on the details of life, which we can […]
Not everyone has access to a gym, but cross-country coach Amanda Bailey turns her daily runs into adventures. • Her advice? “Change up your workout and go outside.” • Researchers found that exercising outdoors “was associated with greater feelings of revitalization, increased energy and positive engagement, together with decreases in tension, confusion, anger and depression.”
To manage the stress of opening his own practice, lawyer and relationship builder Sam Madia started going to the gym at least three days a week. • His advice? “Go workout to burn your stress and feel good about yourself.” • Exercise pumps up your endorphins. Physical activity helps bump up the production of your […]