Dr. Elizabeth Hess believes that the key to happiness is being grateful for the things that you have. • Her advice? “Always be thankful.” • Science indicates, that a mindful state of gratitude is linked with physical wellness.
Dr. Elizabeth Hess believes that the key to happiness is being grateful for the things that you have. • Her advice? “Always be thankful.” • Science indicates, that a mindful state of gratitude is linked with physical wellness.
After a Guillian-Barre Syndrome Diagnosis left her without feeling in her legs, high school senior Sydney Rockwell has been working each day to build her strength up. Her advice? • “Never take the ability to walk for granted and keep pushing forward when life throws you curve balls. Never give up. • Much research in psychology shows that that […]
Avid runner and local news anchor Gretchen Ross challenged herself by running new races. • Her advice? “Set a small goal and achieve it.” • The better you feel about yourself, the better your health will be, and the more you will be able to accomplish.
To help his kids understand how to value their health, soccer coach Ian McAra makes sure he stays active. • His advice? “Inform your children about one or two healthy choices you make every day.” • Modeling healthy exercise habits can reap future benefits in your children’s attitude toward exercise.
Kareen Davisson, owner of Ronin Fitness, schedules regular time to pray and exercise. • Her advice? “Make daily prayer and exercise a priority.” • A strong, healthy body helps invigorate our spiritual life and help others in ways they can’t help themselves.